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The Pink Elephant Empowerment Project

Empowering Young Girls to be strong Queens

through Self-Love & Self-Awareness


The Pink Elephant is a place where young ladies between the ages of 12-18 can come and glean information, encouragement, and guidance. Through private on-line submission, young ladies can submit questions or concerns about school, dating, friendship, love, self, and more. This process is helpful for those who maybe facing some sort of dilemma and need help, guidance, and/or encouragement and prayer.


Each submitted form will be kept strictly confidential and each person submitting a form must adhere to the rules and regulations of P.E.E.P. 


We hope The Pink Elephant will help tranform young girls into royal Queens.



1 Peter 2:9

" But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood (Kings & Queens), an holy nation, a peculiar people;... "


*Please sign up for our emails and blog posts.



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