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One on One Coaching


By connecting people with their true selves it lifts the burden of always trying to please others. Min. Kym believes in the power of self-awareness and acceptance. Through proven Life Coaching techniques she helps guide and navigates people through the maze of life that often leaves them frustrated, confused, and lost.

If you are interested in One on One Coaching please contact us or schedule your appointment today. Sessions are conducted face to face or via phone

Counseling Services


With education and experience in counseling, the following counseling services are offered: 

     *Individual Personal Spiritual Counseling

     *Marriage Counseling (Faith-Based & Non-Faith Based)

     *Pre-Marital Counseling






Counseling vs. Life Coaching

Life Coaching is used to help people get from where they are to where they desire to be. It's used to help guide, motivate, and put into action what you desire to achieve now.   As a certified professional life coach, I help people identify goals in their personal and professional lives. By asking the right questions, together, we determine goals and create plans to achieve them. Often, challenging the client to go beyond their comfort zone.   Life Coaching helps remove roadblocks such as fear, procrastination, perfectionism, and through subsequent sessions, hold clients accountable for remaining on the path to success.


Spiritual counseling helps people  learn how to handle the challenges of daily life in relationship with God. Most of us are accustomed to thinking of ourselves as alone in the world. We are used to thinking that we need to figure things out on our own, and fight to survive.

When we begin to understand that God is real, we start to see that life can be different. We learn that we are not alone, because God is with us ... but during times of stress or challenge we may forget this. The long years of habit can be difficult to undo on our own.

Spiritual counseling helps us to meet life's challenges from a new consciousness of connection with God. It offers support to you as a whole person ... your soul and spirit, your emotions, mind and body, and your practical life here on the Earth.

"I help people LOVE people better." ~Min. Kym


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